Who does not want to be
beautiful? Worship of Sun in the early hours of dawn who is the Lord of the day
brings an abundance of spiritual and health benefits. It awakens all the living beings on Earth
with its brilliant rays. You must have
noticed chirping of birds, it awakens trees and wildlife as well. Sunlight is the life source that cures most of the critical illnesses and skin
diseases, it rejuvenates the life energy and the whole body undergoes the
process of purification. It has infinite
rays which have curing properties, it helps to elevate mood, it plays an important
role in curing anxiety and depression, it has a rich source of Vitamin D and it
is essential for revitalizing mood, it encourages the growth of hormone
endorphin which promotes feeling of well-being and satisfied, it is good for the nervous system, hence it reduces stress anxiety, nervousness and depression,
therefore it is essential to get more sunlight in daily life. Sun gazing is an ancient technique for mental
as well as physical health. The energy of the sun creates a sense of peace and tranquility, followed with a sense of gratitude. It is the rich source of production of melanin which accelerates the increase of metabolism; this pigment improves the natural colors to skin, hair, and eyes. The list of benefits from the Sun lights goes endless, it reduces the chances of breast cancer, colon cancer,
diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart ailments, multiple
sclerosis, ovarian cancer, prostate
cancer, psoriasis, rickets, tooth decay, tuberculosis, etc… So practice sun
gazing right now! Live a healthy and beautiful life!

Sunday, April 28, 2019
Kausalya asked Rama ‘Did you kill Ravan’ when Rama returned after fourteen years
of exile from the Kingdom of Ayodhya. Rama’s astounding reply was ‘
Mahagyani who is highly scholastic, Mahaprathapi who has great splendor,
Mahabalashali who is most powerful, Akhandapandit who has vast knowledge and
wise, Mahan Shivabhakth, who is an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva,
composed the marvelous verses praising the splendor of Lord Shiva in
Shivathandava Sthothram..... The mighty Lankesh was killed by his Ego.”
It is essential to know about Ego, it is a sense of entitlement, tendency to put blame on others, criticize in every possible manner, spreading rumors without knowing the after effects, looking out for the best, breed negativity, value material possessions, fear of changes, constantly worries about something or the other or something which does not exists at all, self-centered, hypercritical on every subject and compares with other people, seeking justification for anger, and stamp themselves as a victim of circumstances, self- denial, and always have a sense of living in scarcity and resentment.
Kundalini Yoga – Dhyanachakra/meditation
– Chakras – fine balance – unfavorable balance.
The seven chakras are
Mooladhara/Root chakra, Swadhishtana/Sacral Chakra, Manipura/Navel chakra ,
Anahatha/Heart Chakra, Vishuddhi/Throat Chakra, Ajna Chakra /brow chakra, and
Sahasrara/Crown Chakra. These are the
energy centers which have a great influence on mental as well as physical
wellbeing of a subtle body. These
chakras are brought in perfect balance with the regular practice of Yoga,
meditation and positive thinking. Overactive
of any of these Chakras causes an adverse effect on overall health.
Mooladhara/root chakra – it
has an influence on survival and health, blockage of Root Chakra causes clumsiness,
sleep issues, fear, insecurity, instability, poor blood circulation,
infertility, low metabolism, and feeling stuck. This chakra can be unblocked by Yoga
practices, meditation, liking towards red color, spend more time in the open
place, getting more sunlight and fresh air.
The good balance of this Chakra causes to feel secure and happy. Unusually
active chakra can cause greed, lust for power, aggressive, cynical and
Swadhishtana/Sacral chakra – It has an influence
on sexuality, desire, and reproduction, blockage of this chakra causes lower
back pain, infertility, digestive problems, lack of energy, Kidney, and gallbladder
problems. It can be unblocked by Yoga
and meditation, consuming oranges, positive thinking, and drinking more water. The good balance of this chakra brings
passion, creativeness, and balanced sexuality, optimism, and openness. Unusually active chakra can cause over-emotional
and manipulative.
Manipura/Navel Chakra influences
on power, determination, purpose and action.
The blockage of this chakra causes indigestion, panic disorders, liver
problems, frequent illnesses, and high blood pressure. It can be unblocked by Yoga and meditation,
consumption of Chamomile tea, and positive thinking. The good balance of this chakra causes
confidence, feeling controlled and a great self-image. Unusually active of this chakra can cause
hunger for power, dominating and turn out a perfectionist.
Anahatha Chakra/ Heart chakra
influences on love, unity, balancing act and healing. The blockages of this chakra cause chronic
fatigue, upper back pain, heart-related issues, anxiety/depression, and respiratory
ailments. It can be unblocked by Yoga
and meditation, consumption of green food, liking towards green color, and
positive thinking. The good balance of
this chakra causes peace, loving, compassion, tolerant, warm and open. Unusually active chakra can cause jealous,
dependency and self-sacrificing.
Vishudhdhi Chakra/ Throat chakra
influence on communication, expression, and creativity. The blockage of this chakra causes throat
problems, neck stiffness, cold symptoms, thyroid imbalance, and breathing
difficulties. It can be unlocked by
Yoga and meditation, consumption of blueberries, and positive thinking. The good balance of this chakra causes confidence,
expansive, excellent communication skills, creative and diplomatic. Unusually active chakra causes narrow-minded,
loud, grave, spreading rumors, and verbal abuse.
Ajna Chakra/ Brow chakra
influences on perception, intuition, and imagination. The
blockages of this chakra cause ear and eye issues, balance issues, sleep
paralysis, learning disabilities, and hormone dysfunction. It can be unblocked by Yoga and
meditation. The good balance of this
chakra causes imagination, intuition, clear insight, visualization. Unusually active chakra causes nightmares, illusion,
hallucinations, and possessiveness.
Sahasrara Chakra/Crown
chakra influences on knowledge of spirituality, transcendental state, and enlightenment. The blockage of this chakra causes dizziness,
vision issues, cognitive and memory problems, and nervous system imbalance. It can be blocked by Yoga and meditation, consumption
of herbal tea, ginger and positive thinking.
The good balance of this chakra causes strong faith, Universal love, and
intelligence, excellent insight, wise and understanding. Unusually active chakra causes inflexible, hypercritical,
spiritual addiction.
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