What makes a person happy?
In my opinion living with essentials
of life along with the virtues of simplicity, good health, kindness, elegance, humility;
self-less act, positive thinking, acquiring knowledge and sharing wisdom, peace
and serenity are the keys to happiness.
It varies from person to person. Finally,
knowledge of self, knowledge of supreme consciousness is the bliss which is
difficult to attain but not impossible. Knowledge
of supreme consciousness is permanent bliss, which can be achieved by several
years of devoted practice of Yoga and meditation, reading scriptures, observing the vow of silence, and practice of selfless service. This will change the perception of the individual
altogether; it transforms the person with a great sense of gratitude, forbearing,
loving, caring and kind. They start
loving all that surrounded by them, they do not get scared of loneliness, and
they find themselves happy in their nest J