Sunday, May 19, 2019

Lord Buddha's Teachings –

I found all the teachings of Lord Buddha are overpowering and mesmerizing.  Lord Buddha describes that a ship does not sink, because of water around them, but when the water gets inside definitely it will sink, therefore we have to make all the effort to move around the material world without getting addicted or attached to it, in other words, practice of attachment with detachment keeps a person live in peace at any circumstance.  Always respect elderly people, help weaker sections of the society, accept the flaws and move on, because these three stages of life are very crucial and everyone has to go through all these three stages of life.  The troubles and afflictions in life teach the greatest lessons, it transforms a person kind, compassionate, loving and caring, therefore sufferings have a positive effect on everyone’s life.  Always be deaf to negative voices, harsh and meaningless criticisms, always be blind to absurdity and vulgarity, and always be dumb to defamation.  Practice the act of generosity, but do not let others exploit, shower an abundance of love but do not allow mistreatment.  All the life events are ironical, tragedies and sufferings teach the value of contentment and happiness, the earsplitting atmosphere teaches the beauty of silence, and the absence of a person in your life teaches great lesson and value of the person’s presence.  Practice meditation which gives a new perspective in life, it teaches to behold all those beautiful things around, keep away from impurities of the mind, it provides peace and serenity, eventually overall well-being.  Always follow the truth, it never hurts, though it put the person into many difficult trails, finally the success will be yours.  Work for the progress of weaker sections of the society, refuse to go along with evil and always adore life.  Sufferings are inevitable, everything in life happen for a reason, never question it, it will take away the peace, better accept it.  Human beings are born with generous heart, humility, happiness, and kindness, because of the presence of Universal spirit which represents virtues and permanent bliss, the situation plays important role in everyone’s life, just need to stir it and bring it out.