Thursday, May 9, 2019

Meditation –

Meditation has a tremendous effect on emotional, mental as well as physical health.  This is one of the resourceful self-realization techniques.  Though I am a beginner to it, I strongly agree with the fact that it helps to achieve terrific mental and physical well-being.  First of all, it helps to de-clutter your mind, we need to not pile up our mind with unwanted thoughts which creates a roadblock to our daily activities, and it helps to have mental clarity, it enhances the creative part of the mind, it brings freshness, alertness and above all a wonderful feeling of liveliness.  We will get a clear idea of what to store what not to be stored in our mind; it helps us to easily let go of things or people who create mental fatigue.  It helps to a great extent to control over anger and sudden rush of feelings, sadness, jealous, etc.. the wonderful part is that it provides uncanny ability to bounce back into your real form, it changes your overall perception, you will definitely transform into a better person, more mature, kind, loving, and cheerful.  It contributes to good physical health, keeps you away from addiction forming habits.  Definitely, it will bring good performance results and improve concentration.  Keep meditating!