Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The object of life –

‘Do your duties without expecting its fruit.” anyhow we have to perform our duties and responsibilities, none can stay free from activities, and in that case, we can make an effort to do all that good and reasonable duties isn’t it? Why we need to choose righteousness over evilness? Every action will create an impact on our lives, so scriptures and sacred texts insist us to follow righteous duties.  We have born in this world to pay off debts and sins; yes we are born with debts to supreme spirit, ancestors, humans, and authors of greatest beliefs and scriptures.  We are committing sins by words, deeds, and intellect, in every second in our lives.  Therefore, we are liable to pay off all those sins and debts accumulated in previous births and in this life.  How can we wash off all those sins and debts? The first thing is to accept that I have made treacherous sins, be apologetic wholeheartedly, and rectify it with a promise not to repeat the sins over and over.  Help the needy with food, clothing and shelter; spend substantial amount on charitable work with the knowledge that all that you have earned is not yours, it is the grace of Almighty, your contribution to earn wealth is too little, HE was the driving force behind you, you can’t even move an inch without His command, your charitable work will definitely multiply peace and serenity, ultimately you will find the object of your life.