Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Acharya describes piousness and sins elaborately, pious deeds are righteous deeds which is  the source of happiness, contentment, and peace,  any immoral acts cause sins which  results in  mental and physical ailments, miseries, sorrows, grief, and pain of separation etc…  human beings are constantly engaged in various activities to earn necessities of life such as food, clothing, and shelter, none of the creatures are  idle on the Earth, first of all, it is impossible to remain idle, so they keep engages in activities, some people spend their life earning with an intention to perform charities in the future or after retirement from the work, and it is far better than people who spend their life in worldly matters, lazing, and spreading rumors.  The interesting fact is that if a person decided to do some charitable work, he will see all the possible ways to make it work; all that we need is enthusiasm.  The practice of recitation of sacred names of Lord while commuting to work would keep the person away from worldly matters; it is an act of piousness.  We can do pious deeds with the body, speech, mind, and money.   We are constantly committing various sins with the body, mind, intellect, and words; it has become a habit in us, therefore we should make effort to destroy those sins with the above four means itself.     The greatness of supreme spirit lies in liberating a soul from its sin; hence we should engage ourselves in constant remembrance of Lord.  Bhagavan Krishna says to Arjuna, there is no one on the Earth free from sin; therefore the ocean-sized sins can be easily crossed with the wisdom like a ferry.  Mahanarayana Upanishads says to destroy sins with the performance of righteousness.  Any deed is performed out of personal reason or desire is the sinful deeds which could bring miseries and grief, all the forbidden acts are sinful, all the good deeds are a pious act, giving is a joy, act of goodness brings happiness.  All are aware of the end results of piousness and sins; unfortunately, we are compelled to commit various sins as it was innate in us, in this way we have accumulated huge bundle of sins through various births, even though none of us wants to commit sins or undergo miseries and sorrows in life.  Arjuna asks Krishna ‘who force us to do all those sinful deeds?’ Who is responsible for that?’ Lord Krishna explains that endless desires are the driving force behind various sins, everyone wants to fulfill their desires, if it is not possible to accomplish them in an ethical manner, they will make all efforts to achieve the same in a dishonest way, in this way living beings on Earth accumulates their sins.