Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya narrates the four branches of Varnna such as Bhramana, Kshathriya, Vaishya and Shudhra mentioned in scriptures, each Varnna has to follow certain duties and responsibilities, they should strictly abide by the rules, should not duplicate the duties of other Varnnas.  A twice-born has to follow his traditional dress-code; he has to perform spiritual and religious rites, he has to wear a symbolic mark on the forehead according to his family traditions, he should carry out sun worship three times a day, he should  learn and recite sacred chants, he should give lessons on Vedic chants without expecting any financial benefit, he should strictly follow disciplines, duties and the responsibilities mentioned in scriptures, he should not take intoxicating drinks or any drugs which forms the addiction.    Although these four Varnnas belongs to the same religion, it is definitely unacceptable to copy the duties and responsibilities of a Varnna by a person from another Varnna, they are not allowed to sit together and eat, or partake meals from the house of another Varnna, or should not live in the same house or  perform marriage from other Varnna.  Ours is a unique religion with diversified disciplines, even though we are amicably living in a society, all are willing to follow our sacred scriptures, a person who follows duties and responsibilities of his Varnna becomes righteous, but when it is copied by another Varnna becomes an immoral act.  We have a firm belief in our sacred scriptures /Smrithi and Shruthi, and Dharmashasthra which recommend disciplines for the welfare of Universe and its living beings.  We can see a lot of differences in the lifestyle of these four Varnnas, it hurts sometimes, but the truth is that scriptures insist individuals follow their duties and responsibilities to cross the ocean of worldly existence.  Hence, Sanathana Dharma is perpetual, the uniqueness of Sanathana Dharma lies in its diversified disciplines.