Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya –

Sri Paramacharya describes that sufferings and happiness are the grace of supreme spirit, we have limited vision, we are unaware of the infinitesimal reason for both, we should always have faith in Universal Mother, that she won’t do anything to harm us, and therefore it is ideal to accept them as the grace of supreme spirit.  We easily accept  happiness, but sufferings are always tougher to absorb, though it is difficult to admit in the initial period with so much of heartache, frustrations, and confusions, later we will learn to accept them as well.  Acharya was a Mahayogi, a renounced soul/Jeevanmuktha, he was void of passion or sorrow, whose intellect was sharp like a sword, he was in a state of bliss always, he was aware of all that happening around.  Paramacharya relates to passion and time as the reasons for birth and death, passion causes birth and time cause death, every creature born in this Universe has to die, depth of the attachment causes the intensity of the sorrow.  Everything in this Universe has to undergo constant changes and ultimately vanishes.   The supreme spirit which is the essence of creation, preservation, and destruction remains imperishable.   Therefore contemplating upon supreme Lord Shiva who has won over death as well as desire/Kama removes the worldly bondage and liberates the soul from repeated births.  Our devotion towards the supreme soul should be intense that of a chaste wife to her husband, a creeper that embrace the tree, and a river that confluence with the ocean.   A ripened fruit voluntarily detach itself from the tree; in the same manner as we grow older we have to learn to detach ourselves from worldly affairs and impurities of the mind, it can be achieved only with intense practice of meditation and performance of duties.  Acharya taught us the essence of ‘Oneness of All’, generosity, humility, kindness, compassion, and simplicity, nine types of the practice of devotion, Sravanam/listening to the glorious myths and verses of Supreme Lord, Keerthanam/recitation of glorious myths and sing praising the endless attributes of Supreme Lord, Smaranam/contemplating upon the sacred names of Lord/visualizing the glorious form of supreme Lord and contemplating upon him, Padhasevanam/veneration at the lotus feet of preceptor and supreme Lord with intense devotion and faith, Archanam/veneration of supreme Lord and preceptor with flowers and various offerings, Vandhanam/prostration before preceptor and Supreme Lord, Dhasyam/veneration of preceptor and supreme Lord selflessly as a servant, Sakhyam/veneration of Supreme Lord as a constant companion, and  Athmanivedhanam/surrender at the lotus feet of Supreme Lord and preceptor are the nine types of devotion which leads to liberation.