Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Sri Anandamayi Ma –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Ma !

Ma’s father Sri Bipin Bihari Bhattacharya was the only son of a widow.  He was a handsome, innocent, thin and tall Bhramin boy who found immense pleasure in Yogic practices and meditation, he was modest and an ardent devotee of Lord Hari, he had great knowledge in the usage of musical instruments.  He was also from the lineage of great preceptors, he was serene and had complete control over senses, at a young age he had achieved the state of serenity and bliss of a Sage.  During his childhood days, he often disappears from home leaving his mother behind, he conducts journey in search of spirituality and meditation, many times his neighbors went on the search for him and brought him back to his worried mother.  He repeated this chase for spirituality even after marriage to Mokshadhasundhari, disappearing from home often led to a lack of concern for the family and it also put the couple into extreme financial difficulties.  Therefore, Mokshadhasundhari had to spend her youthful days of marriage in absolute poverty, but she was kind, amiable, and forbearing, she has attained all those virtues of an ascetic from a young age, she took all the responsibilities of the family and worked hard without uttering a word of complaint.