Saturday, June 8, 2019

The walking Lord of Varanasi – Sri Thrailanga Swamiji

Pranams at the lotus feet of Swamiji!

 A Bengali person Jayagopal used to visit Swamiji on a regular basis, he had a great devotion to Swamiji, whenever he visits Swamiji he will bring flowers, fruits, sweets, or milk for Swamiji.  Soon Swamiji realized that Jayagopal’s visit has no selfish motive, he is visiting Swamiji because of his intense devotion and faith in ascetics.  One day he arrived with an increased heartbeat, he said: “ Bhagavan, my heart is beating so fast from the morning, I have come in the morning to meet you.” Swamiji asked him to come in the evening so that he can explain the reason for that.  Swamiji said ‘Your father was not well in the morning, he was thinking of you.  He passed away.” while Jayagopal was too busy with the service of Swamiji.  The next day  Jayakumar was getting ready to leave to his village; he received a telegram saying that his father is expired.

 It was in  1874 Swami Vidhyanandhagiriji, a disciple of Sri Prithvigiri Maharaj arrived in Kashi and stayed in Rajghat, people of the Mutt told him that he had made a visit after several years to Kashi.   There are many temples were built in his absence and several Yogis and noble-souls are living here, they requested him to visit all.   Swami Vidhyanandhagiriji said he had visited all the shrines, this time he had come to visit Thrailangaswamiji, other than he had nothing to do in Kashi.  One day Vidhyanandhaji arrived at Thrailangaswamiji’s hermitage, seeing him Swamiji immediately embraced Vidhyanandhji, people surrounded were shocked, these two Saints disappeared from the sight instantly.  People have not witnessed a sight like this before, after thirty minutes they could see Swamiji sitting on the same place, but this time he was alone and Vidhyanandhagiriji was missing.  Some people went to Mutt where Swami Vidhyanandhji was residing; there Swamiji was conversing with the people.  Thrailangaswamiji never accepts anyone as his disciple easily.  Most of the saints build Ashram in their own name, but Swamiji did not do anything like that, because most of the people are not willing to follow the guidance of their preceptor, most of the people want to fulfill their desire, it will add sins to the preceptor, if a disciple did not follow the disciplines and instructions of a preceptor, it should be completed by preceptor.  In ancient times, Siddhas and Saints won’t accept disciple easily, they conduct many experiments to choose the right disciple who sincerely and fearlessly follows the instructions of a Preceptor can only achieve the highest of the state in spiritual practice.  It is essential to have courage, faith, discipline, perseverance, dedication, and devotion to become a disciple of an illustrious preceptor; one should take up a lot of hardships to attain the blessings of a preceptor.