Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sant Gnaneshwar Maharaj

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sant Gnaneshwar Maharaj!

Chapter - 3

One day, Vittal Panth came to meet the Shashthri/chief scholar of the village to obtain an auspicious date to perform a sacred thread ceremony of the children.  But the Brahmins of the village refused to give an auspicious day to perform the ceremony.  Vittal Panth tried all his efforts to convince the Bhramins and scholars that his children have already learned the scriptures and Veda.  But the Brahmins refused to give an auspicious date, moreover, they abused Vittal Panth a sinner, his children are born to a sinner, therefore, the children have no right to have sacred thread ceremony.  They blamed Vittal Panth for embracing Sanyasashrama while he was in wedlock, and discarded the Sanyasashrama and returned to wedlock.  Vittal Panth respectfully described the situation, he had embraced Sanyasashrama with the permission of his wife and returned to wedlock at the order of his preceptor, therefore neither he nor his children have made any sin.   They discarded Vittal Panth and his family from the society of twice-born and called him lower than a Shudra.  Finally, the assembly of scholars announced that Vittal Panth and his family will not be treated as Bhramins anymore, and the children will not be eligible to perform the sacred thread ceremony.   Further, they have released an order, if Vittal Panth gives up his life as atonement for the sin he had committed, the children may be qualified to perform a sacred thread ceremony.  Rukmini was inconsolable, “How a Bhramin could advise death as atonement? The suicide is considered as severest sin, Do you think these Bhramin will allow the children to live in peace after your death?”  Vittal Panth was adamant, he said “ Rukmini, I will go to any extent to save the future of my children.  I want my children to be known as Brahmin, I want my children to attain the greatest of knowledge of Bhramam.  Therefore, I am willing to give up my life.  I cannot heed to your words.”  Rukmini said “ I am your wife, these children are mine as well.   If you have decided to follow the verdict of Bhramins, I am also equally responsible for the sin, hence I will follow you in whatever you feel right.”  Vittal Panth was worried about his children in their absence, Rukmini pacified saying “ Our children will be taken care of by the Supreme Lord who was doing that all these years, and will do that in the future too.  The Supreme Lord is the cause and effect as well, we give up our lives and accept death punishment as the verdict of the Supreme Lord.” On that night, Rukmini put off the hunger of the children with the recitation of Bhagavanama and a cup of water that was the only thing available in the house.  Soon, the children were fallen asleep, the couple moved out of the home heavy heartedly with the tears overflowing.  They arrived in a nearby pond and embraced Jalasamadhi.