Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Life of Lord Buddha

Pranams at the lotus feet of Lord Buddha!

Chapter – 17

The King of Kapilavasthu Sudhdhodhana was on death, he remembered the teachings of Buddha, human life on earth are subject to aging, sickness, and death.   Life is full of struggle, striving, conceit, greatness, and suffering.  Suddenly he could hear the announcement of his attendant “ Your Majesty, the Buddha has arrived in the royal palace.”  Sudhdhodhana seated from his bed and reverentially greeted Buddha who was arrived with his a few disciples.  Suddhodhana said “ Oh! Lord, my life is ending, I cannot bear the suffering anymore." Buddha consoled saying “ Oh! Father, do not worry, every condition in human life is predestined, having to come into being and persist for a while, after that it has to pass away, it is the nature of life on Earth.  It is the suffering that is arising, existing and passing, nothing but sufferings.  There is no woman, man, us or them, it is all-pervading illusion.”  Thus, Buddha passionately continued to speak about life on Earth and its nature while his father was waiting for his death.  The day and night have passed, Buddha affectionately watching his father’s transit to the world of celestials, seating near to his death bed he continued giving teachings on Dharma.  In this way, Buddha continued to preach for seven days and his father was sincerely listening to his lectures.  On the seventh day, his father spoke “Oh! Lord Buddha, you have taught me elaborately on Dharma for seven days to attain the Nirvana from the cycles of rebirth.  I have very little time left, therefore I want to venerate you and attain Nirvana.  Kindly forgive me for whatever sins committed with the body, mind, and words.  Kindly shower your compassion upon me.  I ask your permission to take my final leave and let me pass to Nirvana.”  Thus, Shudhdhodhana left his mortal coil and attained liberation from repeated births.