Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Achievement -

The achievement will not come in an easy package; it needs lots of hard work.    Planning, proper execution of the task and hard work are effective tools for achievement. The added qualities are not wasting time feeling sorry for themselves and move on quickly from unpleasant acts, keeping good control over the responsibilities and not giving away the power, the technique of adaption with the knowledge that changes are inevitable and embrace changes quickly and welcome challenges, keeping oneself calm and happy, not wasting energy on the things which cannot control.    Usually, great achievers are  kind and compassionate, they are fair in every dealing, they are  unafraid to speak up,  they don’t waste time on pleasing others, they are willing to take calculated risks, they invest their energy on the present and they do not dwell on the past, they take complete responsibility for their  behavior and actions, and will not make same a mistake over and over, they enjoy their solitude, they are hardworking and forbearing,  they think productively and engages in productive thoughts in this way they replace their negative thoughts.