Monday, April 29, 2019

I am a big follower of Warren Buffett who is a Philanthropist, I blindly follow whatever he says J  his advice on emotional reaction is something fascinating if you have an emotional reaction on whatever said to you, it will bring continuous suffering, the true power is sitting back and observe things with logic.  If words can control your inner-peace means everyone else can control.  So be calm and breathe it out.  Always surround yourself with people competent and better than you.  Keep reading and reading, knowledge is like a vast ocean, your life is not enough to get a glimpse of it.  Planning is essential in all walks of life, sometimes it may not work, never get disappointed, meeting the unanticipated things with braveness that is count.  Always save space and time for the people who are close to heart, do not invest your precious energy on people who cannot accept changes, keep your circle small it can improve the intimacy, acceptance is the key to success, move out of things which are not under control and leave behind what is not good for you and be positive always.  Effective communication is essential for success in all fields, we all are supplemented with strength and weakness, better familiarize with it.   Time is limited and wealth is precious, therefore use both of the things wisely.