Monday, April 29, 2019

Secret of Happiness

There are few techniques which can keep you happy throughout your life, be kind to everyone, never be judgmental; it can change the whole situation into appealing.  Food is life source, therefore eat well, and eat all those which will make you feel happy, give preference to more nutrients intake.   Regular exercise and meditation give a new meaning to life, it gives a whole new perception about life.   Most of the time we want to be honest in life, sometimes things may go out of hand, I feel white lies to make another person happy does not cost anything.  Always  dream big and take initiative to fulfill your dreams, sometimes it may take years altogether but  be patient and remember that hard work always pays,  smile often, self-love is important, forgiveness is the act of virtue, develop sense of gratitude… admiration towards supreme spirit, nature, five essential elements, and people surrounded by you.    Positive thinking is necessary to achieve all those benefits of mindful meditation, drink plenty of water to keep your skin shining, it prevents aging and has a lot of cleansing benefits, believe in yourself, keep yourself unbiased, sometimes it is necessary to put your needs first,   choose faith over fear during the critical moments and  unexpected  incidents in life, presence of mind can be achieved with intense meditation, self-discipline keep you shine out of the crowd,  never compare yourself with others because often we don’t know the struggles and sufferings they have gone through in their lives,  turn your failures as an opportunity to achieve success, keep inspiring yourself and never demotivate, never be repentant and let go things which can’t be changed, finally, keep a  healthy sleeping schedule that will allow you to get a good night sleep.