Saturday, April 27, 2019

I feel I should write every detail of my grandmother’s vast garden.   We have a small cottage adjacent to the main building, it is surrounded by full of greens, long pathways, a big well, and flower garden protected with high walls on both sides.  She had a vast collection of flower plants like Parijatha, Rose, holy basil, fierce cracker, variety of jasmine, chrysanthemum white and yellow, red and off-white Hibiscus, etc…  There is one coconut tree, many clusters of plantain, Yam, and a few papaya trees.  The second part of the long pathway is full of the same flower plants, big mango and tamarind tree, the cluster of Papaya and Yam..etc. Her creeper garden is just too close to the cottage where we spend our afternoon playing board games with our grandmother.  She does not like us to wander out of the house with our friends in the afternoon, so she compulsorily makes us sit and play snake and ladder, board game, and some traditional board games, most of the time the game ends up with big chaos and we all leave for an afternoon nap.      Actually this cottage is used for storing wooden logs, cow dung patties, big vessels for cooking on special occasions like marriage, yearly homage to ancestors and fire sacrifices.