Saturday, April 27, 2019

Many are having trouble with sleep; I am also finding the same for several years now.  There are a few techniques which help to fall asleep, I consume a lot of honey with fruit salad or with ginger.  I have experienced that meditation and slow breathing techniques do wonders to keep the mind calm, keeping bed space stuffed with pillows and quilt makes comfortable, keeping a low temperature in the room and sticking on a fixed time to go to bed helps a lot.    The toxic poisons like anger and ignorance also definitely contribute a lot to sleep disorders,   spending quality time with the family so that we won't regret that we had spent little time with them.  Early to bed will definitely help to fall asleep easily, we all know it is essential to have good sleep for mental and physical well - being.   I think give a kick start to our passion helps a lot to remove difficulties in falling asleep.  During the day time taking short breaks from the work will not drain our energy.   I  shed tears when I really want to, acceptance is the key to let things go otherwise it will clutter our brain, practice to stay calm,  be authentic and express our emotions,  and last but not the least seek help when we really needed.   Always focus on what you have and don’t chew over what you have lost.  The excellent technique to tune our happy hormones by meditation, good sleep, regular exercise, the practice of gratitude, spending solid hours with nature is the best method to achieve overall well-being…stay healthy & cheerful!