Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Emotional Intelligence –

Living beings are shackled with emotion, some people handle their emotions in a matured way, some are not aware of it, does not matter, one thing we should agree that we all are emotional creatures, our reflection of thought, communication, and delivering duties are based on emotion.  Emotional intelligence is awareness of self and others, ability to recognize the emotion of oneself and others as well, understanding weakness and strength, understanding the mood of the person on the current situation, taking pause before acting or thinking, can help you to avoid an embarrassing situation, it helps to refrain from taking major decisions of life-based on the sudden rush of emotion.  You need not control your thoughts or emotions, let it flow as usual, but you can control your reaction to it, eg: A bird landing on your head is unavoidable, but you can make sure it is not building nest.  No one takes harsh criticism on the right spirit, but the interesting fact is that it gives us great opportunity to grow, therefore never ignore criticism, I have learned so much from criticism, I always look into it with a positive spirit, sometimes with a plainness or annoyance.  Authenticity is very important, sticking on your values and principles also equally important, I am aware of the fact that everyone will not appreciate my thoughts, although some may agree with it.   Be empathetic, understand others feelings, try to fit in their shoes to understand the situation thoroughly, instead of judging or labeling them, empathy is understanding another person’s point of view, not agreeing to it.  Never be a miser to appreciate others upon good work which needs a pat on the shoulder, encourage with constructive feedback, not destructive.  Demonstrate humility, apologize for your mistakes, it needs courage and strength to do so.  Forgive and forget, though it is not so easy, but we all can strive to achieve it.  Keep up your word, follow your commitment sincerely, and always be willing to help others in need.