Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya continues, people of all these four Varnnas should practice living in harmony and peace, should be always willing to help others in sufferings of poverty, and distress.  We cannot lend a hand to all our thoughts; it has a short-living nature.  The legend of ardent devotee of Lord Shiva is an ideal example for Varnnashrama Dharmam, Nandanar who was born in a low rank, a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva refused to enter inside the shrine though he was reverentially invited by the priests, Lord Shiva ordered Nandikeshvara to slightly move from his place so that Nandanar could envisage the idol of Lord Shiva, in this way Nandanar strictly followed his Varnnadharma.   In the olden days, in every village there were people of four Varnnas lived amicably, even though they had minor issues with the neighboring villages, they had compassion, unity and mutual understanding with the Varnnas in their own village, they stand for the rules of their village with other Varnnas.  Those days are gone, wealthy people migrated from villages and settled in big cities and started living in solitude with no sense of compassion or unity, they have forgotten their custom and religious rites, it has become a great opportunity for other religions to interfere in their lives, it happened in villages too.  We have failed to protect our religious and spiritual rites in the initial days; it resulted in the absence of unity and compassion within the Varnnas.  Why should we copy western style in all walks of life? Why not they copy our style of living? All Varnnas should put into practice their duties and responsibilities without any fail because it is not for any personal benefit, it is performed for the welfare of the Universe and its people, it will definitely protect the doer during the troubled times.  Therefore we should not leave our spiritual and religious rites for our livelihood.  We should be caring and compassionate to each other; all Varnna should be able to follow their disciplines fearlessly and sincerely, it would purify their intellect and removes sins and impurities.  Supreme Lord has established the four Varnna and disciplines for the welfare of the soul, each and every one of us is liable to follow those duties and responsibilities; He will give us the strength to follow the Varnnarshramadharma.