Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya continues, those days there was strict discipline in the four Varnnas, therefore a country outlived without a King, there was a Village committee to ensure the safety and the welfare of the people, so there was not much crime because people were strictly followed their Varnna Dharma and they had a firm belief in scriptures.  As the year’s passes by, people lost their interest in following Varnna Dharma, they lost respect for each Varnna, and crimes were increased though there was a large number of police and prisons.   We have four Varnnas and each Varnnas follows different disciplines but these four Varnnas earns the same fruit of piousness while lifetime on Earth and after leaving mortal coil, probably that will be the reason for the continuation of Sanathana Dharma.   Acharya beautifully narrates about labor specialization, if there are four sons in a family, the eldest one will be doing spiritual and religious duties, the second one will be keeping a record of income and expenditure, the third one will be buying things for the family and the last one will be taking care of the agricultural and farm related works, in this way four of the sons divide their labor between them, it helps to run the family smoothly.  In the same manner, we have four Varnnas/Chathurvarnnya, and each Varnnas strive for the welfare of the Universe and its people.  A twice-born has to follow strict disciplines and austerities, recite Veda and performs Vedic rite for the welfare of Universe and its people, Kshathriya ensures peace and safety of the country, Vaishya takes care of commerce and agriculture, and Shudhras serves above three Varnnas, these are established for the smooth functioning of worldly matters, ultimately it provides peace and welfare.  This distinctiveness of our Sanathana Dharma is the reason for its permanence.  It is our responsibility to ensure peace and compassion among the Varnnas, we should have unity but it should not create any obstacle for the performance of rite or following austerities and disciplines.  We are not aware to strike balance between the Varnnas, therefore we need to have unity as well as difference.  We should have a love for all the Varnnas, like a mother who showers unconditional love to her children; it should not be an obstacle for them to follow their disciplines.