Thursday, June 13, 2019

The legend of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa -

Pranams at the lotus feet of Thakurji!

Chapter – 15

There was a devotee of Thakurji named Ramdhutt, his friend Sureshchand who is from well to do family, he was taking immense pleasure in the drinks and illicit relationships, but there was no peace of mind.  Sureshchand went extremely depressed and decided to take off his life.  One day Ramdhutt seeing the pathetic situation of his friend, said “You come with me to Dhakshineshwar, all your troubles will go away,”   Sureshji arrived with Dhutt to Dhakshineshwar, he did not prostrate before Ma Kali or Thakurji, he went to sit in a place, and he had no faith in ascetics or holy men.  Seeing him Thakurji said “ There are two kinds of devotees, one is like kitten which keeps crying for its mother without moving an inch, lives only with the support of its mother and another kind of devotee is like the child of a monkey, immediately after getting out of mother’s womb it starts running and jumping all over the places, it becomes highly confident, it does not care about anyone.  A devotee should be like a kitten, completely surrendered to Mother, she will not let any evil happen to her child,” These inspiring speeches of Thakurji echoed in the mind of Sureshji, he slowly moved toward Thakurji and prostrated before him.