Sunday, June 9, 2019

The walking Lord of Varanasi – Sri Thrailanga Swamiji

Pranams at the lotus feet of Swamiji!

Chapter -VI

Umacharanji sincerely agreed to follow whatever his preceptor thinks good for him, he promised to follow his instructions with intense faith and devotion. After silence for a few minutes, Swamiji has given detailed instructions about the process of Deeksha.  The third day of the month Magh, on the star Pushya Lunar eclipse day has chosen as auspicious to get his body purified before receiving Deeksha, Swamiji asked him to donate some ingredients to a twice-born during the hours of eclipse, after that he takes dip in Ganga and seat on the sanctified place, he should recite the Manthraupadhesham given by Swamiji as a part of purification process.  Umacharanji had a doubt that why a noble Brahmin accepts charity during eclipse, normally charity during eclipse was given to Chandala, it is difficult to get a noble Bhramin to receive charity during eclipse, Swamiji smiled at the dilemma of Mukherji, and said ‘During eclipse, one twice-born will come and ask for charity, you give all that I have written and given in advance. ’ Umacharan was too happy to see his problem resolved, no need to search for a noble-Bhramin, Swamiji has already arranged for him.  Umacharanji impatiently waited for the Lunar eclipse day, on that day he arrived with the ingredients for charity, but there was a huge crowd on the river bank, he stared here and there waiting for a Bhramin, soon arrived a Bhramin asked for charity from Mukherji, after receiving the charity he disappeared in the crowd.  Umacharanji took a dip in Ganga, seated on a purified place and started reciting the hymns advised by Swamiji.  The next day he arrived at the hermitage and told Swamiji that he has sincerely followed the advice of him, Swamiji said ‘you are purified,’ after this Swamiji gave lectures on disciple and preceptor for a long time, ‘Tomorrow you will receive Dheeksha followed by customary rite.’  Later Mukherji saw three saints were discussing very important matters with Swamiji, and he was trying to convince these saints, Umacharanji could not understand anything, after some time, the three saints left the Hermitage.  Immediately the downpour started, Umacharanji requested permission to leave to home,  Swamiji said ‘ Not now, sit here in silence,’ downpour followed with thunder and lightning, streets were flooded with water, Mukherji waited for two hours, but there was no end of downpour,  Mukherji thought Swamiji will give shelter in his hermitage today, immediately Swamiji said ‘Now you can go home.” Mukherji was shocked to hear the instruction of Swamiji, the downpour is too heavy and the streets were flooded with water and pitch dark everywhere,  Mukherji kindly said ‘ Baba, let the heavy downpour stops, I will leave immediately.” Swamiji said ‘ Leave right now.” Mukherji could not disrespect the order of Swamiji, so he left the hermitage with intense fear, on the way he met Mangaldas.   Mukherji said ‘ I was thinking of going home once the rain stops, but Swamiji asked me to leave right now, there is heavy water logging and rain continuing, it is too dark outside, don’t know how to go home.” Mangaldas said ‘ Do not worry Bengali Babu, just remember Swamiji’s name and keep walking, If Swamiji advised doing this, there must be some reason behind this too, otherwise he will not say so.”  Once again he came back to Swamiji and touched his feet, immediately he moved towards the dark flooded streets, water reached up to his knees, and all these waters were rushing towards Ganga, it was pitch dark, nothing is visible, he felt something unique, rain is continuing but none of the drops falls on him, he felt the water up to the knee, while moving forward, a man arrived from another street with the lantern, Mukherji felt relieved after seeing a drop of light in the darkness, he wanted the person with lantern stop for him, but nothing is audible to that person due to heavy rain, Umacharanji increased his speed of walking, so that he can be with the person with the lantern, but surprised to see that they maintained the same distance even though he increased his speed of walking, it was impossible to reach close to the person with the lantern, Mukherji felt anyway he is getting enough light from his lantern and ways are clearer now, only there is knee length water is bothering him, finally, Mukherji reached home, but he could not find the person with lantern, he remained shocked for a moment, instantly he remembered the grace of Swamiji.  Once again Mukherji reverentially remembered Swamiji and went inside the house.