Sunday, June 9, 2019

The walking Lord of Varanasi – Sri Thrailanga Swamiji

Pranams at the lotus feet of Swamiji!

Chapter -III

Swamiji asked Umacharan to leave the Mutt after the incident of Bengali Babu, he was so disappointed and left the Mutt.  But he continued the practice of visiting mutt and leaving at the instruction of Swamiji, one day he could not control his tears, he started weeping like a child, finally Swamiji asked him to stay in the hermitage, he was so delighted at the instruction of Swamiji and tears of joy rolling down from his cheeks. He bows down before Swamiji and kept weeping for long, Swamiji asked Mangaldas in gestures ‘Ask him to leave now, and come tomorrow.’  Umacharan was extremely happy, for the first time he had the Dharshan of the feet of Swamiji, he came back home and impatiently waited for the next morning, after coming to Kashi, that night he slept peacefully. Next day he had dip in Ganga and hurried to Mutt, Swamiji gave instruction to Mangaldas, he handed grinding stone and some wheat to Umacharan and asked him to perform a task of grinding the wheat, afternoon he send him off and asked to return in the evening, and the same practice was repeated in the evening and the next few days too. The grinding process continued for several days,   hands that were holding the pen in the office has no choice other than following the instructions of Swamiji.  Umacharan felt the grinding task is too painful and gradually his speed has reduced, Swamiji told him to do it quickly, this practice continued for another fifteen days.  Umacharan felt he had unnecessarily put him into trouble, hands were aching, and he was not even consuming meal properly.  One day Swamiji asked to translate a few Hindi words in Bengali, Umacharan felt relieved from the task of grinding grains, he felt so happy to do this work; he completed the translation work in a few days.   In this way, Umacharan was moving too close to Swamiji.  One day he visited mutt as usual Swamiji received him with great love and took him to another room; he showed gesture to Mangaldas that do not let anyone inside the room.   In that room there were two idols, one is Lord Mahadeva and another one is Goddess Kali, there was an earthen lamp lightened before the idols.  As soon as they entered the room Swamiji broke the silence, all these days he was eagerly waiting to hear from Swamiji, all these days he had seen few gestures or writings on the wall, Swamiji seated in one place and asked Umacharan to sit opposite, Swamiji asked ‘ Why did you come here  with  a doubt of re-birth?’ Rishis, Siddha Purusha, Thrikalajjyanis, noble-souls, and ascetics have confirmed the truth with their continuous spiritual practices, there should not be any disbelief on this subject, we should not be skeptical about their predictions, we have born here to consume the fruit of happiness and sorrow, if humans constantly engage in the practice of spirituality, he could attain the information about the past present, and future, unfortunately, none are interested to know any of these.  Swamiji kept silence for some time, and continued ‘You have come all the way to know the truth, it is my responsibility to describe them, I can show you with your divine sight, when human born on Earth, eventually his past Karmas follows him if he is a scholar in this birth, definitely, he must have been a scholar in previous birth too. If he is too Dharmic this life, same with the previous birth too, if he is a thief in this birth then definitely he is not a good person in previous birth too, if we have no previous birth how could we believe Lord as a supreme spirit?  Now think of your intellect, appearance and behavior in this birth, then you must have understood by now who were you in previous birth, you must have realized the truth that if we do good, we will get back goodness, otherwise evilness, you have performed pious deeds in previous birth, that is why you have taken birth in Bhramin family.  In this life, if you follow all the Brahmanic rites your life will attain the highest of piousness if you take up the wicked deed, definitely, you will be born as Chandala in your next birth, I am not dragging this subject too long, I will tell you about your previous birth.” After saying these, Swamiji continued the previous birth of Umacharan.