Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Swami Sri Bolananda Giri Maharaj

Pranams at the lotus feet of Giri Maharaj!

Chapter – 8

Once Mahamahopadhyay Gopinath Kaviraj enquired Bholanandji about the significance and secrets of Ajapa Japa,  Bholanandji replied “ The primary organs of the respiratory system are lungs, which function to take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide,  Ajapa Japa Sadhana is the process of uniting  breathe with the sounds of Pranava Manthra.  The process of breathing begins the moment child comes out its mother’ womb and removed its umbilical code from its mother, the process of breathing continues from here till the individual declared as dead, while the child in the womb of its mother, it breathes with the help of umbilical code and consume liquids through it, the development in a child takes place with the breath of its mother.  When the child comes out of the mother’s womb, it will instantly persuade by illusion, the duration from birth to death is the journey of life.   The Ajapa Sadhana is the technique utilizing the breath as the prime source and blends it with the Pranava Manthra.  There are not many restrictions or physical exercises are involved in this practice of Ajapa Japa Sadhana and the fruit of this Sadhana depends on the commitment and devotion to it.”

A disciple cannot achieve the respect of his preceptor without the intense and devoted practice of Tapasya and meditation practices.  This intense practice of Tapasya removes impurities; it increases mental strength and physical stamina as well.  A Grihasthi has to follow all the Dharmic rites to obtain purity of mind and intellect, he has to perform all the spiritual and religious rites; he has to produce virtuous offspring to attain Moksha.  In the same manner, a preceptor and a disciple will have the relationship of father and son, a preceptor guides his disciple meticulously, ultimately it is the responsibility of the disciple to put great effort in the form of extreme penances, the vow of celibacy, and meditation for achieving spiritual heights.  Bholanandji was too strict to his disciple and was too kind to his devotees.