Friday, July 12, 2019

The great Sage of Akkalkot -  Akkalkot  Swami Samarththa Maharaj

Pranams at the lotus feet of Swami Samarththa Maharaj!

Chapter – 17

One day Swamiji announced about his Mahanirvana.   Haribau said, “ Swamiji, we cannot live without you, we can’t even imagine that state, therefore I am leaving to Mumbai, kindly give me permission.”  Haribau did not wait for a minute, he hurriedly moved out of the vicinity of Swamiji and left Akkalkot forever.   Swamiji said, “Go and stop Hari, otherwise, he may commit something wrong.”  Swamiji moved to the shrine of Lord Shiva and put fire on the Linga, people were shocked to witness him, once the fire was off from the Linga, it sparkled with more brilliance.  Balappa was too close to Swamiji during this period of time, Swamiji often enquires about Swami Sood/Haribau, though Balappa tried to contact him through mails nothing worked,  Swamiji wanted him before his departure, Balappa said it is waste of time enquiring about him.   Swamiji was too adamant to bring Swami Sood back to him.  Balappa said “Swami Sood should not do like this.” Swamiji said “He knows everything. That is why he is not returning, Balappa, I have to travel a long way.  Will you continue to do my service?.” Balappa started crying like a little child “ Swamiji, kindly do not talk all these. ”  Swami Sood did not come back,  in place of him, another person was nominated to take care of the proceedings of the mutt.  

Swamiji’s final nectar-like words were Lord Parameshwara always stands with people who work hard, people of pure intellect,  and people who have control over senses.  It is better to stay away from dull, ignorant, and lazy people.  Charity and devotion should be performed with a good heart.  The purity of the heart is essential for any religious or spiritual deeds.  Humans should utilize their senses not for feeding one’s own pleasure; it should be utilized for the service of supreme Lord Parameshwara who is fond of  Nishkamya Karma which augments the devotion of the worshiper.  The service to preceptor is the service to Lord; therefore one should not be shy in performing service to his preceptor.  People who follow righteousness would definitely attain success and piousness; they will always remain protected with their righteousness.  The holy men and saints are capable to wash off the sins of the people with their Dharshan.  One should not hurt others with deeds, words or actions, Prarabdhakarmas should be suffered silently without complaining, in this way these Karmas gets annulled.   Yogis have no death, their soul remains in the world showering blessings upon their devotees and disciples.  Swamiji moved closer to Vatavruksha, the responsibilities of the Mutt in Akkalkot were taken care of by Balappa. Swami Samarththa Maharaj attained Mahasamadhi on a day of Thrayodhashi in the month of Chaithra, in the year 1878.