Sunday, April 28, 2019

Devi Kausalya asked Rama ‘Did you kill Ravan’ when Rama returned after fourteen years of exile from the Kingdom of Ayodhya.  Rama’s astounding reply was ‘ Mahagyani who is highly scholastic, Mahaprathapi who has great splendor, Mahabalashali who is most powerful, Akhandapandit who has vast knowledge and wise, Mahan Shivabhakth, who  is an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, composed the marvelous verses praising the splendor of Lord Shiva in Shivathandava Sthothram..... The mighty Lankesh was killed by his Ego.”

 It is essential to know about Ego, it is a sense of entitlement, tendency to put blame on others, criticize in every possible manner, spreading rumors without knowing the after effects, looking out for the best, breed negativity, value material possessions, fear of changes, constantly worries about something or the other or something which does not exists at all, self-centered, hypercritical on every subject and compares with other people,  seeking justification for anger,  and stamp themselves as a victim of circumstances, self- denial,  and  always have a sense of living in scarcity and resentment.