Thursday, April 25, 2019

I  have found that waking up at the same time every day gives a sense of enthusiasm.  If it is before the sun rise, it is perfect.  Keeping a fixed time for meditation on a regular basis helps me mindful, calm and creative.   Drinking more water improves physical as well as mental health, it helps the skin glow and removes dryness, it de-stress and removes dehydration, believe me it prevents aging too J Winking!. Writing is my passion; I wake up with a fresh idea to write, most of the time I get marooned with numerous ideas, finally end up in writing whatever comes to my mind at that moment.     I always pre-plan the activities of the day, if it gets disorderly I feel very frustrated.  I love to cook my favorite meals on holidays.  My Dad introduced me long walks in the morning, it makes me feel top of the world.  There was a time, I used to drive hours to visit the library and get a handful of books,  I love reading fiction, fairy tales, creative writing,  self-help books, history, classic tales,  and the list goes endless….but no thriller or suspense.   I always make sure to get good sleep; I can stay hungry but not without proper sleep.  I always want to make myself update with financial status and personal documents on a regular basis.  I think it is very important for all to thoroughly understand their financial status so that you will get an idea of how much you can allocate for contributions and charity…..Living for giving is a wonderful feeling,  cannot express in words.  All that earned is not ours, it is a blessing from Almighty so I make sure we three are spending as much as we could for charity purposes.  It will definitely create a sense of gratitude and it is essential in all walks of life.   Once in a while declutter kitchen items and clothing helps to create more empty space, it will give us an opportunity to get things you really love to have in your home at the same time it will help to satisfy the requirements of people in need.  Every day will teach you some lesson; eventually, good ones keep you happy and bad ones help you grow stronger.    It is my earnest opinion, never be afraid of solitude, if you embrace it, it will help you to grow mentally, give a chance to know what’s inspiring you the most, you will build up your own beliefs, and learn new skills.