Tranquility –
Happiness brings
tranquility, we have a false impression that If I get immensely rich, I would
be happy forever, If I get all that I wanted I will be happy rest of my life,
If I visit the entire Universe I will be happy in my whole life, If I a have
perfect family or relationship I will be happy, If I a have million dollar job I
will be happy…..these are absolutely meaningless. Material happiness is a short-living nature, we
need not depend on materials or persons to build our happiness, and it is within
us. Inner peace begins the moment we let
off the thing which does not bring any good and stay away from people who do not
bring any happiness other than constant conflict and finally leave people who
are not willing to take initiation for productivity. Do not let any person or incident take
control of your emotions or inner peace.
Embrace Kindness, love, compassion, positive thinking, and empathy as your strongest weapons,
utilize meditation and breathing technique as an essential part of your life, it can bring
permanent bliss! Stay blissful!