What is maturity?
Maturity is not measured by
age, it is an attitude built by several years of experience. Matured people are emotionally and
financially independent; they will not seek comfort on others. They embrace solitude as well as changes
that are inevitable in everyone’s life.
They accept people and their opinions as they are; they are willing to
accept the individual differences gracefully.
They are free to think and act, they do not like any kind of emotional
dependence, or opinions taking away their freedom. They make sure all are getting fair treatment;
they strongly condemn people who take away somebody’s freedom, or any kind of
mistreatment. They won’t let anyone
tarnish their self-respect. They take
complete control over the situation if needed, they do their responsibility
very well, they do not blame anyone for their flaws, and they take complete
responsibility for their mistakes and quickly find ways to correct it. They do a lot of listening and less talking,
seldom they do over-talking. They are
honest people; they do not take advantage of people or manipulate others for
their personal gain. They often engage in
deep significant talks about life and nature, with a great sense of curiosity
and wonder. They do not cling on to
people or thing which does not bring any productivity, they are not afraid of
leaving them behind. They do not chase
people or material things for their happiness; they know that happiness is
within them. They are genuine people,
forgiving nature and good peacemakers.
These people cherish their family and relationships, they manage family
finance very well, and they know how to keep their secrets intact. They always think several times before
putting into action, they do not hurt people.
They do not attempt to oppress or impress anyone, they are aware of the
fact that both will not work for long time.
They always stay away from conflicts and arguments, and keep a class of
their own. They take criticism for their
personal growth; they do not hesitate to apologize for their mistakes. They know how to keep their personal matters
within them, they do not publicize.
They do not spend their good energy in changing people; instead they
focus on personal growth. They keep
limited expectations and if anything goes wrong, they do not react miserably. They do not compare themselves with others,
they respect everyone’s uniqueness. They
know the differences of ‘want’ and ‘need’, they often let go their wants. They do not engage in destructive criticism,
they are disciplined and well organized in their lives. They will have great sense of adaptability.