Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Life of Lord Buddha

Pranams at the lotus feet of Lord Buddha!

Chapter -8

Buddha taught the King “ Your Majesty, a King should treat his subjects as his own children. You should not oppress them; they should be treated with kindness and compassion, they should remain protected in your Kingdom.  The status of the people may vary by their profession, interest, and character, but everyone has the spark in them to shine.”

Once he met a poor old man covered in dirt, he was too weak to stand up.  Buddha approached him and gave hand to lift him up, he refused to touch the hands of Lord Buddha, saying that his hands are too dirty, he belongs to untouchables.  Buddha advised him “ You should not treat yourself as inferior, you should not differentiate people by their work or their birth.  You are cleaning the dirt from the people’s homes; I am cleaning the dirt from the people’s hearts. Hence, you and I are the same.” The old man shed tears of joy, Buddha lifted him up from the ground.

Buddha took every opportunity to teach people for their better life. Once Rahula met his father with a basin of water, he asked him ‘ Rahula, is that water drinkable’ Rahula replied ‘ No Master, it is not drinkable’. He taught Rahula ‘ if you want to remain untainted and crystal clear you should not lie, everyone will cherish you.”  Buddha did not differentiate himself from his disciple, he took every chance to assist them in their tasks, and he considered himself as one among them.

The ruler of Kosala, King Pasenadi set to war against Kapilavasthu.  He approached Kapilavasthu with huge army of warriors with weapons, elephants, and horses.  He saw an old monk sitting in the middle of the pathway, he went closer to the Monk and saw it was Buddha who is the most venerable sitting exposed to scorching heat, he advised Buddha to move under the shade of the tree.  Buddha said ‘King, taking shelter under your own clan is better than taking shelter under a tree.’  The King understood the nectar-like advice of Buddha.