Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Life of Lord Buddha

Pranams at the lotus feet of Lord Buddha!

Chapter -7

Siddhartha’s journey began from the river banks of Anoma, he traveled barefoot long forty-nine years throughout the sacred lands along the shores of Ganga.  He spread the knowledge of supreme, he removed the darkness of ignorance, and he encouraged people to walk through the path of liberation. He sacrificed royal comforts, luxuries, and pleasure, conducted a search for the ultimate truth, end of sufferings and miseries of human beings, save the humans from the cycles of repeated births.  He practiced asceticism in the mountains and woods, in the harsh climatic conditions, initial six years he was engaged in the rigorous practice of spirituality, he refused to take a meal for several months, eventually, his health started deteriorating.  He realized that the practice of spirituality is like producing music with the string instrument if the strings are too tight it may break, if it is too lose it will be of no use, in either case, it is good for nothing. In either way indulging in sensual pleasure and extreme penance is attachments, it can lead only to grief and hopelessness.  Therefore he had chosen the middle path,  settled under the Bodhi tree, continued penance for several years.   He confronted all the wickedness of Mara who is the representation of delusion, with serenity and peace, he was enlightened ‘Buddha’.  The sincere prayers of Buddha were “I wish to continue to be humble, not enslaved by fame and wealth, I have born to spread righteousness on the Earth, and I have to liberate the souls from the worldly existence.  I have to free living beings from the world of Samsara.”