Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Life of Lord Buddha

Pranams at the lotus feet of Lord Buddha!

Chapter -9

Buddha taught the Noble Eightfold Path/righteousness to his disciple.  It was the right understanding, the precision of thought, precise speech, and right action, righteous profession as livelihood, truthful effort, perfect mindfulness, and concentration.  He never wearied in preaching the Dharma/righteous way of living throughout the world.  In this way, he sowed the seed of Dharma all over the world.

A charming prince Siddhartha left the comforts and luxuries of a royal palace at a young age, practiced asceticism under harsh conditions, he confronted several hardships and turmoil, attained the enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, in order to save the human being from the miseries and sorrows of worldly existence.  At the age of eighty-eight, he entered Mahanirvana under the pairs of Salavruksha.