Saturday, May 4, 2019

Tranquility –

Happiness brings tranquility, we have a false impression that If I get immensely rich, I would be happy forever, If I get all that I wanted I will be happy rest of my life, If I visit the entire Universe I will be happy in my whole life, If I a have perfect family or relationship I will be happy, If I  a have million dollar job I will be happy…..these are absolutely meaningless.  Material happiness is a short-living nature, we need not depend on materials or persons to build our happiness, and it is within us.  Inner peace begins the moment we let off the thing which does not bring any good and stay away from people who do not bring any happiness other than constant conflict and finally leave people who are not willing to take initiation for productivity.  Do not let any person or incident take control of your emotions or inner peace.  Embrace Kindness, love, compassion, positive thinking, and empathy as your strongest weapons, utilize meditation and breathing technique as an essential part of your life, it can bring permanent bliss! Stay blissful!

Mental and Physical well being –

Every one of us has different lifestyle and our tastes changes from person to person.  It is nothing wrong to apply a new technique that does not cost anything, instead of boosting your mental and physical energy.

Showers – Icy cold or moderate or hot showers will absolutely help to elevate your frame of mind
Daily exercises – Anything which pleases your mind….definitely not something strenuous
Daily Meditation and breathing exercises – Definitely it will bring tremendous changes in your perception, positive thinking, self-confidence, etc…
Good eating habits – cutting down a major part of the junk food and adding more nutrients
Sleep – Getting a good night the sleep of 7-8 hours
Drink plenty of water
Spend good hours in the sunlight and be with the Mother Nature
Spending quality time with your family
Keep reading…reading…. And reading
Curtail your expectations
Do your duties and responsibility sincerely
Always remember that ‘Time is the best healer’

Friday, May 3, 2019

Happiness & Peace

Happiness does not come anything material, happiness, and peace are indivisible which can be achieved through the practice of spirituality.  The undeniable truth is that none of the material things could provide perpetual happiness; material things could provide happiness which is short-living by nature.   Self- realization, and God-realization is permanent bliss.    If you seek wisdom through constant practice of learning scriptures and engage in spiritual practices would change the overall perception, it brings several attributes like kindness, compassion, forbearance, positive thinking, etc.. The past cannot be changed, therefore it is a waste of time and energy to adhere to it, everyone’s journey is different so it is meaningless to compare your life with others, do not be too hypercritical, overthinking will lead to sadness, your thoughts influence your frame of mind, therefore feed your mind with positive thinking.  The sense of happiness is innate, we just need to bring it out on the surface with self-discipline,   kindness does not cost anything, so be kind to everyone, it is very normal to shed tears at times and let people go, always keep in mind that every action has a reaction, things will change and get better always with the transitory of time, the smile is contagious, therefore keep smiling!

Principle of Karma –

‘Every action has consequences; extreme actions have extreme consequences’

The supreme ascetics are void of the fruit of pious as well as sinful acts; hence ascetics are unharmed by the impurities like ordinary people.  They are incomparable; they strictly follow disciplines, religious rites, the vow of silence and righteousness to guide us through the virtuous path.  Therefore, the ascetic always carries full of divine energy which purifies the soul with their mere presence. Ordinary people like us have to experience the fruit of pious as well sinful acts, such as every action, intentions, motive, desires, anger,  lust, greed, and jealousy,  produces its results.   If we are continuously polluting our environment, obviously it will bring epidemic, if we destroy the natural resources, trees and forests it affect overall climatic conditions and causes natural disasters, if the country is overpopulated, it causes outbreak of serious illnesses, if the country is engaged in too much of bloodshed certainly we can expect counterattack, so every action has reaction.  Therefore, all our actions by words, deeds, and intellect create an effect, this is how we create our own destiny.  It is essential to spread humility, happiness, peace, love, compassion, kindness to bring Universal peace!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Commonness in all the religious text – Universal love and peace

True.  All the religious texts affirm the need to be loving, kind, compassionate, caring, a sense of respect, love your nature and every living being on Earth, do not hurt anyone by deed, thought, or word.  We are innate with the nature of love; we have to bring it out in the open that is it! We need not put all our effort to create something which is not familiar or not present; we just need to stir it well, live in harmony, the act of forbearance, and tolerant of our differences, are the simple techniques to live a happy and peaceful life on Earth.  These religious scriptures teach the highest of the truth ‘oneness in all’.   None of us are free from mistakes or sins; we are born with the impurities as well, we have lust, desire, pride, ego, and jealous, the supreme spirit will not hate or favor anyone for their flaws.  The sacred scriptures help to develop serenity, peace, kindness, love, compassion, sympathy, ultimately permanent bliss.

What are the objectives of life?

Our prime objective should be keeping ourselves away from suffering.  Human life has to undergo failures and success, happiness and sorrow, afflictions and well-being, pleasures and pain, fortune and misfortune, grief and joy, distress and contentment, constantly.   Hence ‘life is a bed of roses full of thorns’ and these are fleeting moments in everyone’s life.  We all want to be happy always, that is the ultimate truth, but the hardest truth is that it is impossible to achieve.  The supreme spirit and sacred scriptures are too kind to creatures, they both strive hard to protect the living beings from the miseries, they both define the path of contentment, self- realization, and realization of the supreme spirit.  There are four objectives in life known as Righteousness/Dharma, Wealth/Arththa, Desire/Kama and Moksha/ liberation.   Righteousness is a mode of conduct, following prescribed duties and responsibilities, attributes, virtues, essential quality, ordinance, custom, observance of customary duties, the practice of religious rites, and morality.  Earning wealth to meet the necessities of life, the performance of charity, offering money for religious rites, and utilize the wealth for service to humanity.  Cultivate the desire to perform all the religious rites, desire to perform the duties and responsibilities in a perfect manner, fulfill desires of both physical and material of yourself and your dependents, and gratify the desires of your ancestors by producing children to perform religious rites.  Liberation is the final state to get freed from the vicious cycles of worldly existence once for all; it is called liberation from repeated births.  It can achieved through various pious deeds, self – less service, /Karma Yoga, intense devotion and faith, /Bhakthi Yoga,  and gaining knowledge from scriptures, knowledge of self and God-realization/Jnana Yoga.

What makes a person happy?

In my opinion  living with essentials of life along with the virtues of simplicity, good health, kindness, elegance, humility; self-less act, positive thinking, acquiring knowledge and sharing wisdom, peace and serenity are the keys to happiness.  It varies from person to person.  Finally, knowledge of self, knowledge of supreme consciousness is the bliss which is difficult to attain but not impossible.  Knowledge of supreme consciousness is permanent bliss, which can be achieved by several years of devoted practice of Yoga and meditation, reading scriptures, observing the vow of silence, and practice of selfless service.  This will change the perception of the individual altogether; it transforms the person with a great sense of gratitude,   forbearing, loving, caring and kind.  They start loving all that surrounded by them, they do not get scared of loneliness, and they find themselves happy in their nest J