Sunday, April 21, 2019

I have to cough up something about ‘Time Management’ …… many times I felt that I have to improve a lot in this technique…. time is precious for all, therefore planning is essential to put our activities in order and spend it wisely  …. Is that called a disciplined lifestyle?   I do create daily plans….I write it down in a piece of paper or save it in my gadget… not so bad in remembering things….giggling :)….whether it is a visit to the supermarket or running out for getting things done…..Believe me, it is an absolutely fantastic idea…. Even the calendars and organizers would do well….I am hopeless… :( ...very poor in remembering deadlines of renewal of my personal documents….….   but good at saying ‘No’ to things which I am inefficient to do ….. ….. I try to be early on time ….good to have a mental plan to finish multiple tasks within the time limit… keeping a clock in most noticeable places at homes…. keeping away from distractions…. tracking time spent ….. Prioritize the work…. Categorize the tasks…. I do fuss over unimportant details :( …I often fail to do allotment of work…….. And finally, find time to be your own to relieve all those stress.  Is not that a good idea?