Sunday, April 21, 2019

We all want to be a competent person in our lives….. it is not that easy to attain  without any practice…..adaptability is one of the essential virtue….. get along with the people, culture and situations…..morality is the most desirable quality ….. whatsoever happens the ability to stick on one’s own principles is a notable quality…..  mental strength  often comes with conflict and unpleasant incidents ……acceptance is the highest of virtues one can achieve…….  that too with a sense of positive attitude….. knowing the purpose of our lives often baffle us…… because most of the time we will come to know it too late ….. learn to improvise is a wise technique….. thirst for acquiring knowledge never ends…….even an infant can be your teacher……following  a disciplined lifestyle will help you in many ways, daily exercise, meditation, and Yoga would do good for mental as well as physical health…….It is essential to develop a sense of humor to get rid of those built up stress………. It is a fortune to have a strong and reliable support system……..but it is really hard to find……. having role models in life gives inspiration…..  getting rid of fears by facing it……sounds sensible but very hard to practice…… everyone should have self – respect and compassion…………… I think these are very important to lead a meaningful life…..