Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Emotional Intelligence –

Living beings are shackled with emotion, some people handle their emotions in a matured way, some are not aware of it, does not matter, one thing we should agree that we all are emotional creatures, our reflection of thought, communication, and delivering duties are based on emotion.  Emotional intelligence is awareness of self and others, ability to recognize the emotion of oneself and others as well, understanding weakness and strength, understanding the mood of the person on the current situation, taking pause before acting or thinking, can help you to avoid an embarrassing situation, it helps to refrain from taking major decisions of life-based on the sudden rush of emotion.  You need not control your thoughts or emotions, let it flow as usual, but you can control your reaction to it, eg: A bird landing on your head is unavoidable, but you can make sure it is not building nest.  No one takes harsh criticism on the right spirit, but the interesting fact is that it gives us great opportunity to grow, therefore never ignore criticism, I have learned so much from criticism, I always look into it with a positive spirit, sometimes with a plainness or annoyance.  Authenticity is very important, sticking on your values and principles also equally important, I am aware of the fact that everyone will not appreciate my thoughts, although some may agree with it.   Be empathetic, understand others feelings, try to fit in their shoes to understand the situation thoroughly, instead of judging or labeling them, empathy is understanding another person’s point of view, not agreeing to it.  Never be a miser to appreciate others upon good work which needs a pat on the shoulder, encourage with constructive feedback, not destructive.  Demonstrate humility, apologize for your mistakes, it needs courage and strength to do so.  Forgive and forget, though it is not so easy, but we all can strive to achieve it.  Keep up your word, follow your commitment sincerely, and always be willing to help others in need.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Moss gardening –

Now a day’s who is having time to maintain a garden, but we all need little green in our homes to elevate our mood, all you need a little space in your balcony to grow mosses.  An interesting fact is that mosses are drought-resistant plants on Earth.  It can be seen in the forest area, Creekside, wet trees, and garden areas; they preferably grow in humidity and steady moisture.  If you are getting mosses from nearby creek area or forest area or from gardener it would be ideal to plant in your home balcony.    All you have to do is collect some mosses from trees or forest areas or creek, keep it in a zip-lock bag.  Take a blender, mix two glasses of water with an equal quantity of buttermilk and top up with these mosses you have collected, blend it well, your moss mixture is ready.  You can paint this mixture on your balcony wall or on the flower pot and keep it in shade for few days, you will notice mosses start growing all around, make sure to keep it in shade for the first few days, let it grow, once it is ready it can survive in any temperature.  These mosses have no lengthy root, all they need is to moisture and nutrition for survival that they will absorb from air, they absorb unwanted air particles, smoke, and bacteria and it restores within it.  It is a natural air purifier, it makes the air clean and free of toxin, it stabilizes room temperature in a pretty well manner. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Moksha – Nirvana

The concept of Moksha and Nirvana is the same, Hindu religious text prompt to achieve Moksha that is liberation from repeated births, freedom from birth and death, with the knowledge of self and knowledge of Universal spirit, knowing the eternal truth that the illusion is all-pervading, you are shackled by worldly bondage, practice of attachment with a sense of detachment would lead the soul to attain unison with the supreme being.  Our scriptures describes the methods to attain  the  four methodical approach to achieve the ultimate object that is salvation from repeated births, that are Dharma/follow righteous deeds, Arththa/ earn wealth to perform your duties and responsibilities, Kama/fulfill your physical and material needs, and the final stage is Moksha/liberation from repeated births.   Buddhists believe that Nirvana is the superior state which put an end to all the sufferings.  Both the notions are teaching us the causes of sufferings and how to get rid of the same.  The root causes of all the afflictions are anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, lust, desire, violence, etc... Nirvana teaches to attain the state of enlightened one ’Buddha’.

Contentment –

Everyone’s life is a search for happiness, every one of us has dreams to fulfill, desires to achieve and expectations to meet while chasing the above things, we often feel disappointed or dejected or get momentarily happy.  Have you ever thought of contentment?  contentment is supreme bliss.  A contented person is considered as the richest, a person who finds happiness in the basic necessities of life, such as food for thought, a shelter for sleep and remain protected, and clothing for covering nudity is richest in all sense.  A contented person is well aware of the fact that health is wealth; good health always follows with happiness and peace.  Happiness is a state of mind; bliss is the permanent state of mind.  Therefore contentment can be achieved through methodical practice; it is an attitude to be happy with whatever in hand, stop complaining things you are lacking, and always be grateful to God for all those things present in your life.  Physical exercise and meditation will definitely change your perception, learn to give away, cut down your expectations and practice to achieve a state where there is no expectation at all.

Emotional health –

Emotional health influences thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  People who are emotionally healthy also feel frustrated stressed out and depressed, but they know how to cope up with the emotional disturbances.  During this period of emotional turbulence, keep yourself out of the nest, be with nature, get more sunlight, you will come to know that all are having their own baggage of break-downs to carry, none are free from afflictions.  Take a break from your daily routine; try something different to appease you.  Don’t focus on your troubles, be positive, time is the best healer; you will be back in your safe zone.  Meditation and breathing techniques will do wonders in your overall perception; you will regain your lost energy in no time.    Always remember your past achievements, your skills, your capabilities; definitely it will boost your energy level.  Be nice to yourself, never compare your current situation with others, anyway it is going to alter by passing of time, so it is a waste of energy, stay away from things and people which bring no productivity, always keep the sense of gratitude.

Law of attraction –

I am not going to write about external appearance or skin tone, it is none of my job I feel.  Honestly, I do not give much importance to it, it does not mean that I am lacking interest in self-care; I do care about outward appearance as well.  All that matters what’s inside you, what’s that you’re feeding your brain on a regular basis, selflessness, the reflection of your thoughts, kindness, love, simplicity, humility, intelligence, sense of responsibility, etc… You need not appear in a million dollar worth costume to get attracted, or you need not drive Porsche vehicle to gain attraction, or you need not be a regular diner in a star hotel, or you need not own latest models of gadget to get an attraction.   Be genuine and unique, feed yourself with a great sense of confidence, self-esteem, self –respect, which helps to stand out of the crowd.  Prioritize your task, learn to put your needs first, take care of your mental and physical health, so that you can invest your energy on your loved ones.  Keep physical and mental exercises/meditation as your top priority in your list of daily routine.  Take a promise to learn something on daily basis which helps to grow mentally.  Take responsibilities of your mistakes, learn from the mistakes and do not repeat the same, it is our common tendency to make mistakes, it is not a good sign blaming somebody for your mistakes, learn to appreciate yourself and others as well.  Intelligence is all about to deliver meaningful conversation; keep informed about current events, be a great conversation starter and friendly, sense of humor is essential and make people comfortable around you, besides all those qualities, you need to be a listener as well.

Knowledge is bliss -

Ignorance is a lack of knowledge and it is caused by delusion /Maya, we can perform mundane matters without putting much effort.  Spiritual knowledge is knowledge of self and knowledge about the supreme spirit which is the highest of knowledge that can be obtained by constant reading of scriptures that reveal eternal truth.   Nothing is permanent in this world.  The spiritual knowledge destroys miseries and sorrows forever; it destroys desires, selfishness and worldly bondage in the fire of knowledge.  Ignorance can bring only sorrows, and afflictions, an ignorant person cannot be happy in his life. There are four ways to rise above the darkness of ignorance, Jnana Yoga/knowledge, the practice of seeking knowledge, and we are often mistaken about the concept of ‘I’ as the physical body,  Jnana Yoga teaches ‘I’ as supreme soul, it builds up virtues like forbearance, non-violence,  and sense of ‘oneness in all’.  Karma Yoga/action, the practice of selfless act, it helps to get rid of expectation and desires which causes grief.  Bhakti Yoga/divine love, the practice of religious rites and recitation of sacred texts, develop the sense of love, peace, and happiness.  Raja Yoga/meditation, it develops concentration and bliss, physical and mental well-being as well.