Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya speaks about Samanyadharma/disciplines which are common for all the Varnnas which was written in the Manusmrithi.  The basic and essential virtues are respect and devotion to Mother, Father, Preceptor and deities, non-violence is another important virtue, we should not give any physical affliction to any of the creatures on the Earth and sense of non-violence are one of the major instrument for the practice of Yoga.  Yogashasthra defines the meaning of Yoga as bringing perfect control over senses, and control over thoughts.  Desires are the root cause for rousing all the emotions, it keeps burning like fire, and therefore we are undergoing various mental and physical afflictions because of lack of control over our thoughts.  Our mind is an instrument for worldly bondage as well as Moksham, our thoughts has great influence in our lives, we have two choices before us, we can use our intellect for building up worldly bondage or liberation from birth, aging and death, intellectuals and wise people choose the latter.  Our intellect never follows our intentions, most of the time it wanders through the darkness of ignorance, it never co-operates with the individual, we can control speech by observing the vow of silence, we can close eyes to avoid contact with the things, but it is impossible to control the mind, hence one thing is very evident that our thoughts are not in our control.  If the mind was under our control, it should listen to our commands, but often it reacts opposite to our intention.  A lunatic cannot control his speech in the same manner, we are not in a position control our thoughts, if we have perfect control over mind it should listen to our orders, it kindles various emotions like sorrow, fear, anxiousness etc.  It is essential to practice meditation and Yoga to bring perfect control over senses, it brings the permanent presence of Supreme spirit in our hearts which remove all the impurities, ego, pride, jealous, anger, etc..  When there is calmness in the mind we can feel the presence of the Supreme Lord who is supreme bliss.

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya continues, people of all these four Varnnas should practice living in harmony and peace, should be always willing to help others in sufferings of poverty, and distress.  We cannot lend a hand to all our thoughts; it has a short-living nature.  The legend of ardent devotee of Lord Shiva is an ideal example for Varnnashrama Dharmam, Nandanar who was born in a low rank, a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva refused to enter inside the shrine though he was reverentially invited by the priests, Lord Shiva ordered Nandikeshvara to slightly move from his place so that Nandanar could envisage the idol of Lord Shiva, in this way Nandanar strictly followed his Varnnadharma.   In the olden days, in every village there were people of four Varnnas lived amicably, even though they had minor issues with the neighboring villages, they had compassion, unity and mutual understanding with the Varnnas in their own village, they stand for the rules of their village with other Varnnas.  Those days are gone, wealthy people migrated from villages and settled in big cities and started living in solitude with no sense of compassion or unity, they have forgotten their custom and religious rites, it has become a great opportunity for other religions to interfere in their lives, it happened in villages too.  We have failed to protect our religious and spiritual rites in the initial days; it resulted in the absence of unity and compassion within the Varnnas.  Why should we copy western style in all walks of life? Why not they copy our style of living? All Varnnas should put into practice their duties and responsibilities without any fail because it is not for any personal benefit, it is performed for the welfare of the Universe and its people, it will definitely protect the doer during the troubled times.  Therefore we should not leave our spiritual and religious rites for our livelihood.  We should be caring and compassionate to each other; all Varnna should be able to follow their disciplines fearlessly and sincerely, it would purify their intellect and removes sins and impurities.  Supreme Lord has established the four Varnna and disciplines for the welfare of the soul, each and every one of us is liable to follow those duties and responsibilities; He will give us the strength to follow the Varnnarshramadharma.

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya continues, those days there was strict discipline in the four Varnnas, therefore a country outlived without a King, there was a Village committee to ensure the safety and the welfare of the people, so there was not much crime because people were strictly followed their Varnna Dharma and they had a firm belief in scriptures.  As the year’s passes by, people lost their interest in following Varnna Dharma, they lost respect for each Varnna, and crimes were increased though there was a large number of police and prisons.   We have four Varnnas and each Varnnas follows different disciplines but these four Varnnas earns the same fruit of piousness while lifetime on Earth and after leaving mortal coil, probably that will be the reason for the continuation of Sanathana Dharma.   Acharya beautifully narrates about labor specialization, if there are four sons in a family, the eldest one will be doing spiritual and religious duties, the second one will be keeping a record of income and expenditure, the third one will be buying things for the family and the last one will be taking care of the agricultural and farm related works, in this way four of the sons divide their labor between them, it helps to run the family smoothly.  In the same manner, we have four Varnnas/Chathurvarnnya, and each Varnnas strive for the welfare of the Universe and its people.  A twice-born has to follow strict disciplines and austerities, recite Veda and performs Vedic rite for the welfare of Universe and its people, Kshathriya ensures peace and safety of the country, Vaishya takes care of commerce and agriculture, and Shudhras serves above three Varnnas, these are established for the smooth functioning of worldly matters, ultimately it provides peace and welfare.  This distinctiveness of our Sanathana Dharma is the reason for its permanence.  It is our responsibility to ensure peace and compassion among the Varnnas, we should have unity but it should not create any obstacle for the performance of rite or following austerities and disciplines.  We are not aware to strike balance between the Varnnas, therefore we need to have unity as well as difference.  We should have a love for all the Varnnas, like a mother who showers unconditional love to her children; it should not be an obstacle for them to follow their disciplines.

Sage of Kanchi -

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Parmacharya describes, we have to strictly follow medication to get rid of any illness, during this period of medication doctor advise us to follow harsh food habits, body causes illnesses, if there is no body there would not be any illnesses at all, a doctor knows what type of medicine and dosage should be given to a patient, surprisingly there is a way we can strive for not to get trapped inside the body.   Veda affirms Dharmashathra is the instrument as well as   best cure for the mental and physical afflictions of worldly existence ultimately liberates the soul from repeated births.   Manu who is the author of Dharmashasthra/Manusmrithi advise various techniques to get freed from repeated births and welfare of the soul.  We have seen the difficulties in curing physical ailments, if this is the case with the physical ailments just imagine the strictness we have to undergo to cure ailments of our soul.  Water carried in various pots added in a pond cannot make out any difference in the water which represents supreme knowledge.  Manusmrithi describes truthfulness as the highest of virtues; an individual should have basic requirements like respect and devotion to Mother, Father, Preceptor, and deities.  He should be helpful to needy people. He should have good control over senses, he should follow simplicity, should not be a spend thrift, he should have a habit of spending money on charities, he should strictly follow truth, Bhramacharya/chastity, celibacy, non-violence, and should not steal other's properties or should not have illicit relationships.  Every individual has to follow Vishesha Dharma according to their Varnna, it is essential to provide seclusion while observing those rites, it would help them to perform the rite with intense devotion and without any disturbance.  Everyone should practice selflessness, love, and compassion.  The reasons for constant conflicts, arguments, mental and physical afflictions are the results of lack of observance of righteousness; we are following harsh food habits while undergoing medication to cure our bodily illnesses, in the same manner, we have to strictly follow our spiritual as well religious rites to attain overall well-being.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya narrates the four branches of Varnna such as Bhramana, Kshathriya, Vaishya and Shudhra mentioned in scriptures, each Varnna has to follow certain duties and responsibilities, they should strictly abide by the rules, should not duplicate the duties of other Varnnas.  A twice-born has to follow his traditional dress-code; he has to perform spiritual and religious rites, he has to wear a symbolic mark on the forehead according to his family traditions, he should carry out sun worship three times a day, he should  learn and recite sacred chants, he should give lessons on Vedic chants without expecting any financial benefit, he should strictly follow disciplines, duties and the responsibilities mentioned in scriptures, he should not take intoxicating drinks or any drugs which forms the addiction.    Although these four Varnnas belongs to the same religion, it is definitely unacceptable to copy the duties and responsibilities of a Varnna by a person from another Varnna, they are not allowed to sit together and eat, or partake meals from the house of another Varnna, or should not live in the same house or  perform marriage from other Varnna.  Ours is a unique religion with diversified disciplines, even though we are amicably living in a society, all are willing to follow our sacred scriptures, a person who follows duties and responsibilities of his Varnna becomes righteous, but when it is copied by another Varnna becomes an immoral act.  We have a firm belief in our sacred scriptures /Smrithi and Shruthi, and Dharmashasthra which recommend disciplines for the welfare of Universe and its living beings.  We can see a lot of differences in the lifestyle of these four Varnnas, it hurts sometimes, but the truth is that scriptures insist individuals follow their duties and responsibilities to cross the ocean of worldly existence.  Hence, Sanathana Dharma is perpetual, the uniqueness of Sanathana Dharma lies in its diversified disciplines.

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Paramacharya describes about the deeds which could provide permanent bliss to the soul, all the deeds should be performed as Eshvararpanam/ with the complete sense of surrendering to Supreme spirit, supreme Lord Parameshvara symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, therefore all the deeds should be surrendered to Him, and it will bring permanent bliss to the worshiper.  Performance of any righteous, religious or spirituals deeds which are followed by our ancestors for several years is considered as propitious, therefore it is always favorable to pursue the same rites followed in the family for several years,   it should not be performed for personal motive, or for the welfare of the family, and it should be performed selflessly and capitulate to supreme spirit, any deed performed without the influence of anger and greed is treated as promising.  We have to perform righteous deeds with the intellect, words and body, all our earning should be converted as righteousness; these pious deeds will give its fruits to the doer during his difficult times.  A righteous person will be treated with great admiration in the society he lives in; even the animals will respect him. Srimad Ramayan describes the pathetic plight of Ravana who was abandoned by his own brother Vibheeshana for his unscrupulous act, though he had numerous army of demons, he had to face a terrible death.  Rama who is the essence of Dharma was persistently served by humans as well as monkey warriors, therefore whoever follows Dharma without desire or anger or selfish motive, whoever performs righteous deeds fearlessly with strict discipline would be protected by Dharma always, and it will give permanent bliss.

Sage of Kanchi –

Pranams at the lotus feet of Sri Paramacharya !

Sri Paramacharya describes,  Newton’s Third Law  is  every action has equal as well as the opposite reaction, even our scriptures explain the same.   In the first phase, we have discussed earning for living to keep us comfortable while living on the Earth, in the second phase we have to strive for the welfare of our soul which has no death.   Performing righteous deeds, learning sacred scriptures, sharing knowledge, building worship place, conducting pilgrimage, holy dip in sacred rivers,  performing charity, following certain disciplines according to one’s belief, wearing Rudraksham and sacred ashes, regular sun worship, the performance of homage to ancestors, are some of the pious deeds which provide an abundance of meritorious reward.   These are fruitful acts that could bring merit while living on Earth as well as follows performer even after his death.  A twice-born performing the sun worship three times a day, serving Vedic people,  performing Vedic rites, fire sacrifices, the homage to ancestors, sharing knowledge in scriptures, performing the recitation of sacred chants for the welfare of the Universe.  Every country has its own ruler and currency in existence, supreme Lord Parameshvara is the ruler of the whole Universe, and he has established a kind of currency that is legally binding in the entire Universe that is called righteousness.    Srimadh Ramayan narrates an  incident while Rama leaving Kingdom of Ayodhya in order to follow his father’s vow, Devi Kaushalya immerses in deep thought, Rama leaving for woods for fourteen years, if it was a  journey for short period of time she could have packed his favorite meal, she speaks “ Oh! Raghava, I need not do anything to guard you, there is Dharma to protect you always, you have sincerely followed all the disciplines and followed all the pious deeds fearlessly for all these years, all those fruitful deeds will protect you.”  Hence, it is our responsibility to protect Dharma, without any doubt that will protect the doer.