Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Time is too precious and limited as well.  We often tend to realize that we have wasted our precious time on unsuccessful activities, gone is gone…. It is irreparable; in the future, we can be cautious and act wisely.  Planning is essential, but do not wait for the perfect timing for the execution of work…keep doing things which you feel good.  Prioritize the work, always work on things which are important at that moment, not getting involved in unimportant activities and leaving the important task behind is not a great idea.  Never wait for inspiration, first of all, it is difficult to obtain in this busy world, no one has the time to improve other’s life, hence the act of self-motivation is the best.  In every household we could sense the trouble of doing everything by one person; it can cause mental and physical fatigue, irritation, chaos, etc... so start delegating work to each member of the family, the collective contribution would bring amazing results and overall well being.   I would say never worry about what people will talk about you, it is none of your business, you cannot control everyone’s thought process, every individual has a different way of thinking, so never expect that they should think alike, it is groundless.  Live your life at the fullest, do all that makes you happy, listen to your heart and intuition.  Failures and success, happiness and sorrow, loss and gain, are part of life, learn to accept them gracefully, never be afraid of indifferent results, it should not hold us back from our goal and hard work.  Complaining about the circumstances or people when things go unfavorable is not a good idea, or blaming others for your failures is an act of a cowardness, so be courageous and face it.  When you try to please someone, always remember that it is an impossible task you are into.  Never compare yourself with others, you are truly unaware of their journey, always believe in yourself.  We all make mistakes in life, but repeating the same mistake over and over is an act of foolishness.

Achievement -

The achievement will not come in an easy package; it needs lots of hard work.    Planning, proper execution of the task and hard work are effective tools for achievement. The added qualities are not wasting time feeling sorry for themselves and move on quickly from unpleasant acts, keeping good control over the responsibilities and not giving away the power, the technique of adaption with the knowledge that changes are inevitable and embrace changes quickly and welcome challenges, keeping oneself calm and happy, not wasting energy on the things which cannot control.    Usually, great achievers are  kind and compassionate, they are fair in every dealing, they are  unafraid to speak up,  they don’t waste time on pleasing others, they are willing to take calculated risks, they invest their energy on the present and they do not dwell on the past, they take complete responsibility for their  behavior and actions, and will not make same a mistake over and over, they enjoy their solitude, they are hardworking and forbearing,  they think productively and engages in productive thoughts in this way they replace their negative thoughts.

Monday, April 29, 2019

I am a big follower of Warren Buffett who is a Philanthropist, I blindly follow whatever he says J  his advice on emotional reaction is something fascinating if you have an emotional reaction on whatever said to you, it will bring continuous suffering, the true power is sitting back and observe things with logic.  If words can control your inner-peace means everyone else can control.  So be calm and breathe it out.  Always surround yourself with people competent and better than you.  Keep reading and reading, knowledge is like a vast ocean, your life is not enough to get a glimpse of it.  Planning is essential in all walks of life, sometimes it may not work, never get disappointed, meeting the unanticipated things with braveness that is count.  Always save space and time for the people who are close to heart, do not invest your precious energy on people who cannot accept changes, keep your circle small it can improve the intimacy, acceptance is the key to success, move out of things which are not under control and leave behind what is not good for you and be positive always.  Effective communication is essential for success in all fields, we all are supplemented with strength and weakness, better familiarize with it.   Time is limited and wealth is precious, therefore use both of the things wisely.

Causes of grief

Grief is something comes out as the price of love, desire, attachment, and affection.   It never ends, but it keeps passing from time to time, it is predictable in everyone’s life.   During the period of grieving, acknowledging the pain and giving assurance that you will be there to listen whenever needed, ready to support physically and mentally are graceful gestures.    It is not advisable to show them a brighter side of life or burden with personal experiences.  We all have that instinct of survival and it will come out on the surface in due course of time.  As we always believe ‘Time is the best healer’, you could see them moving out of the grief confidently as if nothing has changed in their life.  Yes, It is true, nothing has changed, and our approach has changed over the situation.  As I said earlier, we all are innate with the skill of survival and sense of acceptance; the earlier it would be better.  Though the person has to undergo stages like disbelief, denial, anger, sorrow and finally they will come to accept the fact.  I think acceptance is a great relief, constant brooding over the unpleasant past is better than moving out of it completely.  During this period, it is advisable to follow meditation and breathing techniques which will work wonders to get back to normalcy.  The beauty of mindful meditation is it helps to achieve the sense of attachment with detachment, it constantly teaches that nothing is permanent in this world, all those material and immaterial things, every little thing in this world has to undergo constant changes.  This post is dedicated to all those who are grieving over the loss of their beloved ones.

Secret of Happiness

There are few techniques which can keep you happy throughout your life, be kind to everyone, never be judgmental; it can change the whole situation into appealing.  Food is life source, therefore eat well, and eat all those which will make you feel happy, give preference to more nutrients intake.   Regular exercise and meditation give a new meaning to life, it gives a whole new perception about life.   Most of the time we want to be honest in life, sometimes things may go out of hand, I feel white lies to make another person happy does not cost anything.  Always  dream big and take initiative to fulfill your dreams, sometimes it may take years altogether but  be patient and remember that hard work always pays,  smile often, self-love is important, forgiveness is the act of virtue, develop sense of gratitude… admiration towards supreme spirit, nature, five essential elements, and people surrounded by you.    Positive thinking is necessary to achieve all those benefits of mindful meditation, drink plenty of water to keep your skin shining, it prevents aging and has a lot of cleansing benefits, believe in yourself, keep yourself unbiased, sometimes it is necessary to put your needs first,   choose faith over fear during the critical moments and  unexpected  incidents in life, presence of mind can be achieved with intense meditation, self-discipline keep you shine out of the crowd,  never compare yourself with others because often we don’t know the struggles and sufferings they have gone through in their lives,  turn your failures as an opportunity to achieve success, keep inspiring yourself and never demotivate, never be repentant and let go things which can’t be changed, finally, keep a  healthy sleeping schedule that will allow you to get a good night sleep.

An ordinary hindrance to a mindful meditation is restlessness, sleepiness, lack of belief, desire, emotional dependence, aversion, hatred, anger, and passion.  I repeat it is an ordinary obstacle, you can keep practicing it until you achieve the fruit, therefore never leave the daily practice. It will entirely change the notion of happiness and sorrow, pain and pleasure, gain and loss, praise and blame, fame and disrepute which is ever present in one’s life.  Mindful meditation helps to lessen the talk and listen more J  it augments the sense of love, compassion and helps to remain non-hypercritical.  Our brain and heart also considered as the shrine of kindness, transformations do not mean outer appearance, it is the way of perception, insight, and awareness, being kind means lift the fallen, restore the broken, and heal the pains.  Meditation enhances positive thinking, kindness, generosity, and happiness.   It removes the three poisons such as anger, greed, and ignorance.   It purifies sense organs, it improves generosity, morality, self-discipline, patience, diligence, concentration, wisdom and insight, always remember that nothing can be done about yesterday and tomorrow, therefore today is the right day to live and love! 

Beautiful teachings of Lord Buddha

 One beggar happened to meet Lord Buddha and asked ‘Why I am so poor?’

Lord Buddha says “ You are not poor at all.  You have not learned the habit of giving and you are not willing to give away.”

Beggar “ I have nothing to give away.  I am born as poor.”

Lord Buddha says “You have things to give, not less at all.   You have face to smile, you have eyes to enjoy visuals, look at others with compassion and keep yourself happy.  You have a mouth to converse with people, you can speak with humility, kindness, compassion, love.  You can motivate people and pacify them with sweet words.  You have a heart; you can be open, sincere, truthful and kind.  You have a body to utilize it for labor and even help others. Therefore you are not poor at all.”